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Napa Wildfire Loss Attorney

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Napa and Napa County were some of the hardest hit locations in the recent Wine Country fires. Thousands of people are now dealing with property damage, destroyed homes, and even personal injuries from burns and smoke inhalation. If this sounds like the situation you’re in, help is available. The Wine Country Wildfire Consortium consists of five trusted local law firms ready to take on clients affected by the recent wildfires in northern California. Get in touch today to explore your legal opportunities.

Facts About the Napa Wildfires

The fires in Napa have been absolutely devastating so far. They have been some of the deadliest and most damaging wildfires in California’s history. Parts of Napa County look like another planet, with acres of forests and neighborhoods burned to the ground. Wine Country has suffered billions of dollars of damage and has seen dozens of deaths. Here are some facts about the fires in Napa:

  • Multiple fires affected Napa County, including Nuns, Adobe, Norrbom, Pressley, and Partrick Fires. At least 56,556 acres burned in these fires. Firefighters have the fires 99% contained as of October 31st.
  • Two of the deadliest wildfires in the state’s history affected Napa County – the Atlas Fire, which killed six people, and the Tubbs Fire, which killed 23 people in the neighboring county (Sonoma).
  • Napa County had six confirmed fatalities and 74 people still unaccounted for out of more than 200 missing-person reports as of October 15th.
  • Napa County has counted at least 600 damaged and destroyed structures so far. Napa’s damaged properties include the White Rock Vineyards, Signorello Vineyards, Page Wine Cellars, Hagafen Cellars, Canyon Drive, and the Bubbling Well Pet Memorial Park.

In the aftermath of such a terrible fire, victims often don’t know where to start rebuilding their lives. It will take a lot of time for some to get back to where they were before. Others will never be the same after injuries or the loss of loved ones. If you need help after the fires in Napa, seek assistance from the lawyers at the Wine Country Wildfire Consortium.

How a Lawyer Can Help Wildfire Victims

When you begin to pick up the pieces after a devastating fire, you might find the red tape and paperwork for getting back on your feet overwhelming. You will need to call insurance companies – possibly more than one, depending on your property damage – and file incident reports. The Commissioner has asked insurance companies to expedite claims involving the Wine Country fires, so you may find the process faster than usual. You may also, however, run into problems such as not having adequate insurance to cover your losses.

Working with an attorney can make filing insurance claims much easier on you and your family. The Wine Country Wildfire Consortium has the resources of five law firms combined. It can help you file your claim with your insurer and negotiate a fair settlement. Having an attorney negotiate settlement terms on your behalf gives you a much better chance of receiving the maximum amount. A lawyer can also discuss the possibility of filing a civil claim if someone else’s negligence caused the fires. There is an ongoing investigation into the utility company PG&E that may result in a potential class action.

How Can We Help You?

If you have a legal matter you would like to discuss with an attorney from our firm, please call us at (310) 477-1700 or complete and submit the e-mail form below, and we will get back to you.

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