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Calistoga Wildfire Loss Attorney

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Since October 8, 2017, citizens of Calistoga have been in a state of fear, worry, and confusion. As fires ripped across Sonoma and Napa counties, city officials ordered residents to evacuate. The fires moved too quickly for most to properly move belongings out of harm’s way. Residents stayed in shelters or with friends and family members until the recent limited lift on the evacuation. If you or someone you love has suffered an injury, property damage, or property destruction in Calistoga because of the fires, come to the Wine Country Wildfire Consortium for legal help.

About the Fires in Calistoga

If you live in or near Calistoga, you probably experienced the fires firsthand. Mayor Chris Canning of Calistoga ordered all 5,000 residents of Napa County to evacuate ahead of the Tubbs Wildfire. As flames approached city limits, most people had already fled the area. Smoke still fills the area, lowering air quality. Here are some facts about the fires in Calistoga:

  • Tubbs Fire scorched 36,807 acres near Calistoga starting on October 8th. Napa County officials mandated a total evacuation for Calistoga, which was lifted on Sunday October 15th. Firefighters have Tubbs Fire 99% contained as of October 31st. Tubbs Fire has destroyed 6,768 structures and killed 23 people.
  • On October 22, two weeks after the start of the fires, officials finally reopened Highway 29 from Calistoga to Lake County. Massive fires shut down this route along with several others in Napa County, mostly due to Tubbs Fire.
  • Buildings damaged in Napa County from the fires include homes on Canyon Drive, Hagafen Cellars, Hudson Ranch Vineyards, Page Wine Cellars, Palmaz Vineyards, Signorello Vineyards, and White Rock Vineyards. Homes in Alta Mesa and Stone Mountain Circle also sustained fire damage.

If you’re one of the many people in northern California experiencing damages due to the wildfires, you may have the opportunity to seek compensation through the civil court system. The state is investigating PG&E for a possible connection between the utility company’s power lines and the series of intense fires. In the event that investigators believe PG&E contributed to the fire, the company may be liable to pay for the damages of those the fires affected.

Why You Need a Lawyer’s Help

There is a good chance that someone else’s negligence caused or at least contributed to the recent fires in Calistoga. If this is the case, victims may be eligible to fight for recovery. You may be able to bring a personal injury claim against the at-fault party, or join a consumer class action against a common defendant. Work with an attorney to stay up-to-date on the latest information about the Tubbs Fire and the rights of victims.

The Wine Country Wildfire Consortium came into existence because five local law firms wanted to offer the best possible support for wildfire victims. These five firms have had great success representing wildfire victims in the past, securing hundreds of millions of dollars for clients. Together, their pooled resources are greater than you’ll find at any other law firm. If the recent fires have impacted your life, give the Consortium a call. A lawyer or staff member will arrange to meet you at your home, a hospital, or elsewhere at your convenience for a free consultation.

How Can We Help You?

If you have a legal matter you would like to discuss with an attorney from our firm, please call us at (310) 477-1700 or complete and submit the e-mail form below, and we will get back to you.

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